Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Checking on Your VA Disability Benefits Claim

1:39 PM

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All veteran servicemen and who suffer from incapacities stemming from grievous injury sustained during their tours of duty are entitled to disability benefits from the government. This recompense from the government is supposed to help those veterans with their medications, hospital fees, and even their incomes, especially when their conditions severely limit their job choices. Applying for disability claims, however, is a tough process with no guarantee that the applicant will receive remuneration.

The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, or VA, screens the applicants for veterans disability benefits, and can be rather strict with whom it deems qualified or not. There are occasions when even the most clearly disabled of veterans have been denied benefits. Fortunately, the VA allows applicants to submit claims for reconsideration, but processing these can take very long.

Veterans who have submitted disability claims to the VA for benefits will have to be patient. Applicants have the option to call the VA and ask about the status of their claims, or they can easily check it online, but repeatedly doing this with no favorable results can be rather tedious. Of course, veterans may also approach their lawyers for advice, and some legal representatives might even offer to follow-up on the claims for their clients.


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