Veterans disability benefits are a form of financial support from the U.S. government given to veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces who were injured or had incurred a disease or disability during military service. The amount of payment given is dependent on the degree of the veteran’s disability. All veterans of the U.S. military service are eligible to apply for this benefit provided that they’ve been active members for more than 60 days and their disability or disease is service-connected. The application for veterans disability benefits is time-consuming as it requires a lot of paperwork to serve as proof of eligibility. There are times when veterans are denied this claim as a result of dishonorable discharge, desertion, misconduct, or imprisonment due to a civil court felony or court martial. If your case is not included in the aforementioned grounds of ineligibility, then you can hire a knowledgeable veterans disability benefits lawyer to help you on your appeal.