Sunday, June 22, 2014

Approved Claims with Help from Skilled Veterans Disability Attorney

"A skilled veterans disability attorney, such as an experienced lawyer from Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law, can advise you on your claims and help you deal with the VA. Though they may not be able to speed up the processing time, they can help you navigate through the labyrinthine rules and process of claiming your just compensation. An attorney’s assistance can take the stress out of not quite knowing what to do next. He or she can act as your advocate and will help you avoid mistakes that could cause unnecessary delays. Should your original claim be rejected, your attorney can also help you with the appeals process. Your veterans disability lawyer can make things a lot easier for you and his or her expert advice can give your claim better chances of approval."
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Friday, June 20, 2014

Get a Veterans Disability Lawyer to Help With Your Benefits Claim

"Experienced veterans disability lawyers can advise you on the proper steps to take. They will help you file a notice of disagreement with the VA, in which you specify the part of the decision you disagree with. This is an initial appeal, and the same committee that dealt with your original request will handle it. If you are denied yet again, then you can send a request to the Board of Veteran Appeals. Further appeals can still be made after the initial decision. However, it can be a tiring, tedious process. Having an advocate by your side, such as an expert disability lawyer, will give you the assurance you need that you aren’t missing any essential step, and that you’re giving your case the best shot it deserves."
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Friday, June 13, 2014

Facts about SSA and Veteran Disability Benefits

It doesn’t matter how decorated or renowned one is, each veteran has, in one way or another, helped in securing the present and future of this great nation, so it’s only fair to give them something back in return. The federal government for one, has several kinds of disability benefits aimed at helping noble heroes who, in their valor, have incurred illnesses or conditions that have rendered them disabled.

What constitutes a disability?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has it that for a person to be deemed disabled, they should be unable to perform any type of significant work (thus keeping them from making a living). The department of Veterans Affairs (VA), on the other hand, has benefits for partial disability as well as complete disability, so a person could simultaneously work and collect compensation.

Who are eligible for disability benefits?

Veterans can only claim disability benefits if they have been working for at least five of the last ten years, but this can be denied if the veteran waits far too long to file a claim with his disability benefits attorney after he stops working. There are also specific conditions that could qualify a veteran, such as PTSD, fibromyalgia, and certain toxic exposure cases.

How is compensation valuated?

VA benefits will depend on the severity of the veteran’s condition and the extent of his disability. Social security benefits, however, does not rank your condition but it merely seeks to determine whether it prevents you from being able to work.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Helping a Loved One with PTSD

Battlefields have and always will change people. Some come out of it stronger and more appreciative towards life, but unfortunately, a great number of veterans end up with a permanent scar in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. If one of your family members happen to be diagnosed with this psychological illness, here are a few things you can do:

  • Understand that they are suffering. PTSD can cripple sufferers from being able to do activities that they might have loved before.
  • Fight with, not against them. Constant care should go hand in hand with understanding. Give them all the medical help and emotional support they need during this troubling time.
  • Encourage contact. Don’t let the family and friends veer away from a loved one because of his condition. In most cases, this will only cause depression.
  • Know the problem. Brush up on PTSD facts; listen to what psychologists have to say about helping your loved one weather the storm that’s constantly brewing in his heart.
  • Find others. Your loved one isn’t the only person suffering from PTSD. Look for other people like him whom he could speak and relate his experiences to.
  • Get professional help. Look for a reliable veterans’ disability lawyer who can help you get the government benefits that your family member deserves.

People with PTSD have never truly finished fighting the war. With your help though, they can take baby steps to eventually reign victorious over their condition.
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