Sunday, March 16, 2014

Getting Compensation with the Help of a Veterans Disability Attorney

A news article from The Wall Street Journal reveals a group of Vietnam veterans suing the US government for denying to raise their discharges even when there’s proof that they’re suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The article states the condition of the lead plaintiff of the case, Mr. Conley Monk of New Haven, CN:

    In 2011, Mr. Monk was diagnosed with PTSD attributable to his military service, a condition that has “impaired his ability to find employment and maintain stable relationships,” the suit said.

Military veterans with intense exposure to harsh conditions of combat, such as Mr. Monk, most likely exhibit signs of PTSD, a condition that haunts most soldiers who experienced life-threatening or traumatic events like combat or terrorist attacks. Formerly known as “shell shock”, PTSD is now considered as a serious disorder which undermines and negatively affects the sufferer’s day-to-day life.
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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Disorders Covered by Veterans’ Disability Benefits

The US military is filled with brave men and women who willingly put themselves at risk of danger to guarantee the safety of the free world. That said, it is only right that those who have sustained injuries and other medical conditions while in the line of duty be properly compensated. If you or a loved one who has served in the US military suffer from any of the following conditions, be sure to contact a disability benefits attorney to help you file for compensation:


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychological condition some veterans acquire due to their wartime experiences. Reliving the trauma, lasting depression, and increased anxiety that gets worse with each passing day are common signs of PTSD.

Toxin Exposure

Toxins are often used to gain an advantage during war. One notable toxin used in the Vietnam War was an herbicide known as Agent Orange, which was used to clear the foliage in the jungles of Vietnam. Complications from exposure to Agent Orange include Parkinson’s Disease, Type-2 Diabetes, and various cancers.


Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease, causes the deterioration of the nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain. Common symptoms of ALS include muscle weakness and difficulty chewing, speaking, walking, and/or breathing.

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A Look at Linking Disability with Duty

The men and women currently serving in the US armed forces are the latest in a long line of fighters dating back to the Revolutionary War. The presence of American forces in hotspots around the world have made the military an effective instrument in ensuring security and implementing foreign policy goals. However, certain situations may affect personnel that leads to their separation from service, thereby underlining a need for disability benefits. As such it is important to establish connections that may allow former military personnel to be granted their dues, which are classified into direct service connection, aggravated injury connection, and presumed service connections.
Direct service connections are established when the veteran can prove that their disability occurred over the course of their duties. The evidence to be presented must include a full report on the incident leading to the injury and associated medical files. Aggravated service connections can be determined if a veteran has an existing medical condition accounted for during the initial physical examination, but worsened while on active duty.
Presumed service connections are for disabilities of at least 10% that may be related to active service. Depending on the circumstances, the disability should have disappeared within a period of time after separation. A disability lawyer should account for the history of the disorder and build the client’s case around the mitigating factors.

Donning the uniform of your country does carry a huge sacrifice to your body. You must exert every effort to be accorded just compensation.          
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Securing Compensation with the Help of a Veterans Disability Lawyer

Over the years, different administrations are changing and making various rules and regulations that make application processing confusing and winding for most veterans. Those who wish to understand unfamiliar developments in the processing system should consult experienced veterans disability lawyers, such as those from Fight 4 Vets, who can guide them through lengthy legal proceedings. Moreover, these lawyers can serve as their legal representative, giving them appropriate advice and guidance every step of the way.
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